Sunday, November 18, 2012

Week #14- Question #2: Observation

One time I was spending the night at a friends house and we were having a huge girly sleepover. All of my best friends were there for my birthday celebration. I was really excited to be able to spend time with them. We were all hanging out in the living room and I had to go to the restroom. When I was walking down the hall I over heard them talking about me and they were whispering. I couldn't exactly make out what they were saying but when I entered the room everyone went silent. I figured they had to be talking badly about me and my feelings were really hurt. I tried to act like nothing was wrong and I pulled my best friend aside and asked her what everyone was talking about, but she wouldn't tell me. I was even more hurt and felt crushed, but the night went on. They decided we were all going to get something to eat and I was irritated but agreed. When we got to the restaurant we all walked into a big room and all of my other friends and family were there to surprise me. I was shocked! I was so excited and my friend finally told me that the surprise is what they were talking about while whispering. My observations had lead me to believe that they had been talking badly. But, after careful evaluation and deciding to trust them and test them out, the conclusion was that they weren't talking badly they were planning a surprise party for. You always have to be careful and not believe something solely off of observations.


  1. Dear Daisy Buchanan, I can relate to you in many ways. I too have had an experience where I thought something was bad, but it was not. I try my best not to assume things, because it gets me into trouble, but it is human nature. I am glad that there really wasn’t anything bad between you and your friends. I’m sure you were really happy afterwards, I know I would be. Overall, I believe that everyone should not assume the worst, because it can be problematic for anyone who thinks that way. I too have that issue, but I am working on it and I hope to just let things be.

  2. If we go based solely off of observations, we are going to eliminate all other probable causes of this phenomenon. It is important to keep an open mind and test your hypothesis or collect evidence before drawing a conclusion. I tried to stick to a more practical conclusion of what might happen versus relying solely on observations. I’m glad everything worked out for you and your friends.
