Saturday, November 3, 2012

Week #12- Chapter 10 #1-Marketing

The campaign for propositions and the president is the best example of marketing I experienced this week. These campaigns are exhausting every source of marketing areas. I was mailed items, handed pamphlets at school, and every other commercial is campaign related. To be blunt, it is annoying. If I want to know what the presidential candidates and propositions are about, then I’ll read my voters’ guide. On the flip side, they are doing their job. The campaigns try to get their message out to all different types of people, and they do. They do a good job of evaluating their SWOL model and strategic planning. The campaigns try to focus on only their own strengths, and the opponent’s weaknesses, in order to look like the better option and receive votes. The campaigns try to conquer any threats that go against them; therefore, they try to make the voters feel like there is an endless opportunity if they vote for their campaign. I think all of the campaigns have been sneaky and, in order to decipher what you believe, you have to be able to get past the marketing techniques and do your research.


  1. I agree that these campaigns are quite exhausting. I too was mailed plenty of things telling me to vote for Romney or vote for Obama. I think that that type of bombardment advertising is not the best way to go. I've seen plenty of ads on TV and disliked almost all of them. The voter's guide was pretty helpful telling me about all of the different propositions. The campaigning for the presidents is really just a fist fight for children in my opinion. The debates were childish and could not have been more useless to the public. Thanks for sharing about your week!

  2. The proposition and the president nomination are a big deal. These do over exhaust when we consider how much they do. Mail boxes do become full amongst this time of the campaign. I was a part of the team for a political process; I know that a lot of work goes into those campaigns. They push a big and if not immense marketing strategies. They do use SWOL model and strategic planning. Yes, being able to get past the marketing techniques and do your research, you said is great. This a great write.
