Friday, November 9, 2012

Week #13- Question #1: Media

The way that different media sources use current events to get their point across or persuade is something that usually will reinforce my existing worldview. We usually look at media in a negative light but I think there are many types of organizations that use it to bring awareness and shed some light on certain things happening around the world. But for me, I rarely feel good about a media source. I think that the media puts unrealistic expectations on us. Every source usually portrays experiences in a distorted way. Because I view most of it negative, it is constantly challenging me and expanding my little world. Media that attacks something, such as political media, makes me do my research and challenges me to find out more information and validate why I believe what I believe. I think that as technology advances we are just going to be faced with different, more advanced media outlets, which just means we need to be more aware.

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