Sunday, November 18, 2012

Week #14- Question #2: Observation

One time I was spending the night at a friends house and we were having a huge girly sleepover. All of my best friends were there for my birthday celebration. I was really excited to be able to spend time with them. We were all hanging out in the living room and I had to go to the restroom. When I was walking down the hall I over heard them talking about me and they were whispering. I couldn't exactly make out what they were saying but when I entered the room everyone went silent. I figured they had to be talking badly about me and my feelings were really hurt. I tried to act like nothing was wrong and I pulled my best friend aside and asked her what everyone was talking about, but she wouldn't tell me. I was even more hurt and felt crushed, but the night went on. They decided we were all going to get something to eat and I was irritated but agreed. When we got to the restaurant we all walked into a big room and all of my other friends and family were there to surprise me. I was shocked! I was so excited and my friend finally told me that the surprise is what they were talking about while whispering. My observations had lead me to believe that they had been talking badly. But, after careful evaluation and deciding to trust them and test them out, the conclusion was that they weren't talking badly they were planning a surprise party for. You always have to be careful and not believe something solely off of observations.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Week #14- Question #1- Horoscopes

Saturday, Nov 17, 2012 -- Sometimes you exhibit more compassion for others than you do for yourself. Fortunately, you can be a great friend for someone you want to get to know better by offering calm and practical advice today. Remember, some of the difficulties you've recently had are now your most powerful sources of insight. Integrating your own experiences into the present moment empowers you to communicate with more conviction.

I think that these predictions of my day are definitely falsifiable. The horoscope says  that I “can be a great friend for someone who wants to get to know me,” but I spent all day home doing homework and catching up on thing that solely revolved around myself. I went to see my grandma who has known me my whole life and I didn’t give anyone any advice today. The fact that it says that, “some of the difficulties I have faced recently are now my most powerful sources of insight,” is a little ridiculous. Everyone goes through difficulties and if you look at your life trying to find a difficulty then you will most likely find one. So, this means that when someone reads this they apply this to whatever may be difficult in their life at the time. But, because it is not specific, anyone could read this and relate. The last part of this horoscope is also ridiculous. Anytime that you integrate your own experience into the present and apply your own experience while giving advice, you will communicate with more conviction. Communication and advice is best when it comes from someone else’s personal experience and most people give advice and use this in the communication every day. All of this has nothing to do with being a Pisces, it has to do with being a human.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Week #13- Question #2- Internet Plagiarism

Because the Internet is so complex, plagiarism is something that is so easy for students to do. The "copy" and "paste" feature on a computer allows for students to plagiarize in seconds. I definitely agree with Sadler in that colleges should stick to their rule and enforce plagiarism. I think it would be crazy for schools to take using a computer and Internet for assignments and go back to to life without it. As technology advances, our schools need to follow to keep up with the times. Our next generations need to be using the Internet. I agree with Sadler in her argument because I think she is more persuasive and uses better examples. I think that schools should stick to using software services to detect plagiarism. But, getting rid of Internet use for assignments would limit the upward mobility of schools. As long as schools stick to their policy and take action when plagiarism is caught, I think that using the Internet is very important.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Week #13- Question #3: News Bias

I thought that one of the most interesting topics in our reading this week was the topic of “Bias in the News.” In school we are always taught to research and check our sources to make sure they are valid. We are taught that there is bias in everything that is reported and to always look at multiple sides to validate our research. The only problem is that with news, we usually just accept what we are told. I usually take the information I hear from news channels lightly but I never actually take the time to research the top stories that stand out to me. This topic has challenged me to think about the positions different news channels take and why they use those approaches. This section says that news sources will avoid airing or printing stories so that they don’t offend their sponsors. It also says that another source of bias in news reporting in gender bias. I think that this chapter has opened up my eyes to news sources and their bias and I think it will expand our awareness.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Week #13- Question #1: Media

The way that different media sources use current events to get their point across or persuade is something that usually will reinforce my existing worldview. We usually look at media in a negative light but I think there are many types of organizations that use it to bring awareness and shed some light on certain things happening around the world. But for me, I rarely feel good about a media source. I think that the media puts unrealistic expectations on us. Every source usually portrays experiences in a distorted way. Because I view most of it negative, it is constantly challenging me and expanding my little world. Media that attacks something, such as political media, makes me do my research and challenges me to find out more information and validate why I believe what I believe. I think that as technology advances we are just going to be faced with different, more advanced media outlets, which just means we need to be more aware.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Week #12- Question #3: Interesting Topic

One of the topics that stood out to me this week was, “Consumer Awareness of Marketing Strategies.” It is crazy to me that we get so wrapped up in the brand names of different products. We like to associate the names with a positive emotional response, which is exactly what the companies want. They want to make you feel positive about their product in order to make you think about it, buy it, and use it. The best marketing strategies they use are ones that get you in the store, keep you in the store, and encourage you to buy products that you wouldn’t have otherwise purchased. The idea of impulse shopping happens to a lot of consumers. When store strategically place products it feels like they are trying to trick you. But, even though we know what the stores are doing, we still fall for the tricks and buy the products we don’t need because of their sneaky planning. It feels like we are being wronged, but we know what is happening and continue to fall for it.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Week #12- Chapter 10 #1-Marketing

The campaign for propositions and the president is the best example of marketing I experienced this week. These campaigns are exhausting every source of marketing areas. I was mailed items, handed pamphlets at school, and every other commercial is campaign related. To be blunt, it is annoying. If I want to know what the presidential candidates and propositions are about, then I’ll read my voters’ guide. On the flip side, they are doing their job. The campaigns try to get their message out to all different types of people, and they do. They do a good job of evaluating their SWOL model and strategic planning. The campaigns try to focus on only their own strengths, and the opponent’s weaknesses, in order to look like the better option and receive votes. The campaigns try to conquer any threats that go against them; therefore, they try to make the voters feel like there is an endless opportunity if they vote for their campaign. I think all of the campaigns have been sneaky and, in order to decipher what you believe, you have to be able to get past the marketing techniques and do your research.