In my own opinion, generalization is one of the most
interesting topics that we read about this week. This is something that we do
every day when we use our crtical thinking skills. We observe a situation and
make generalizations about how that will affect us. The definition of a
generalization is: “drawing a conclusion about a certain characteristic of a
population based in a sample from it.” I think that we use gereralization not
only to critcal think but also as a way of organizing how we see our culture
and other ones as well. We take a “characteristic of a sample” and insert our
generalizations to make a “claim about characteristics of a whole population.”
If we see an old person driving slowly, then we will make an assupmtion that
all old people drive slowly. Making assumptions, or generalizations, is also a
way that we stereotype our culture by race, sexual orientation, gender roles,
etc. This can lead to racism, hate crimes, specific roles, miscommunications,
and more. It can also create bonds between groups, produce sucessful families,
a sense of pride, and more positive outcomes. It all depends on how you choose
to view personal and cultural generaliztions.
Hey Daisy I would like to comment to say that I like the way you speak of generalization in a way that it shows its importance in our lives. I use generalizations in all kinds of ways too... well like who doesn't? Every time I go to school I make the generalization that everyone who is at school is a student. That is not necessarily true though since anyone can go to the school like someone who wants to rent a book in the library or who just wants to eat something at school. So I like generalization because I can say something and not have to be wrong about saying it.