Sunday, September 30, 2012

Week #4- Question #3: Interesting Topic

The idea that stood out the most was the 'Dreams and Problem Solving' section. I like that they made dreams appear to be more then unconscious release of suppressed emotions and irrational impulses. The section stated that studies show dreams are now viewed as involving cerebral activity related to reason and problem solving. It goes on to say that dreaming can help solve problems, discover logical connection between seemingly unrelated things, and activate emotions. Some scientist say that you can even resolve complex problems without any deliberate conscious thought. I think this is amazing because this all happens while we are sleeping and not really aware of it. This means that when we are awake we could possibly be solving complex problems without even realizing it. I think dreams are amazing and these studies really relate to our everyday life.

1 comment:

  1. I also thought the section on dreams and problem solving was interesting. I never realized we were unconsciously using reason when we dream. I was more of the type who felt my dreams were just random ideas and information coming together in my head while I slept. Though I enjoy my dreams, I’ve never really put much thought into them or considered how they might affect me. However, having read this chapter, I looked back and found that there were some instances in which my dreams did help me. I’m going to try to pay a little more attention to them now.
