Sunday, September 9, 2012

Week #2 discussion

One of the topics from this weeks reading was labeled "Arguments Based on Mathematics." this was intriguing to me because I have never really thought about facts the are mathematically correct to be arguments. The definition of an argument based on mathematics is, that the conclusion will depend on mathematics or geometrical calculations. I think that these are the easiest types of arguments to recognize and use in our every day lives. We use critical thinking in this mathematical argumentative way during most issue in our lives. For example, I work in a children's department as the directors assistant and part of my job is creating crafts in which I do this type of reasoning. I will have to make an educated guess on how many kids we will have each week and have to give the appropriate supplies in order to assist the children's needs. I average the previous two weeks and use some logic based on the day and provide the right materials. We all can relate to this section, but I thought it was interesting that it is something we don't really think about. 

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