Friday, December 7, 2012

Our Last Posts: #1 - What have you learned in this course?

The cover of our textbook says, “critical thinking and logic skills for everyday life,” and that is exactly what I feel I have learned this semester. I feel like I have learned how to better communicate using reasoning so that my communication with others is rational and just better. I think that the concept I liked learning about most was how emotion really affects all daily communication. It is good to be able to put that concept into perspective as I finish my time at San Jose State. I think that students are affected by their emotions regularly because it is a sensitive time in life where stress, lack of sleep, and pressure set in. I think that if I can keep this concept with me, then I will be more successful. The aspect of this class that challenged me the most was working in groups for our projects. I grew in communicating with other to get the projects done well.

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