Friday, October 19, 2012

Week #9- Question #1: Knowledge and Wisdom

Knowledge is defined as the information which we believe to be true and for which we have justification or evidence. When Aristotle said that wisdom is the greatest virtue, knowledge was a part of wisdom. Wisdom, to me, is being able to discern information that is factual, as well as insight, and having a good judgment. This means being able to use your knowledge when trying to carry out wise decisions. I think that while we are attending college we are acquiring both. Most of our schooling and what we will take away when we graduate is mainly learning how to think. If we can learn how to think, and think well, then we have succeeded in our mission at SJSU. We are learning how to expand our knowledge, therefore growing wiser in how we will use our knowledge to make smarter, qualified decisions. I personally think that the information age has made us more knowledgeable and not necessarily wiser. It really has enabled us to not think as much and let technology think for us, which can be dangerous. We are relying too much on the knowledge that we gain from technology and less on how to use that knowledge in order to be wise about different aspect in our lives.

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